Package delivery to Washington - Virginia - Parcels Packages
My company is shipping a package delivery to Washington - Virgina, and we need information about this service. We are shipping this package from our facility at Rome, Italy. The package weighs less than 4 kilograms. Is it possible that you can provide us with an estimate of your shipping charges for this shipment?
Does your company provide a pickup service at our location? How soon do you require a notice before you will pickup the package? Since this will likely be a one-time shipment, will we need to sign a contract with your company? What are your payment options, and how can we submit a payment to you for our shipping charges? Is it possible for us to purchase extra insurance for this package?
Will you please explain the fuel surcharge? What is this surcharge for and who is the beneficiary of this charge? Does it have anything to do with the current fuel prices? Thank you for supplying us with this information about your company's package shipping services. We will reply to each company who emails us their information.