Package delivery to Atlanta - Georgia - Parcels Packages
I need information about package delivery to Atlanta - Georgia, in the United States. We are shipping this package from Modena, Italy. Does your company have a business presence in this area? What I am asking is will you pickup this package at our office? Or perhaps you may have an office that is local to us if you do not offer a pickup service. If the latter is the case, then please provide the address and your open hours.
This package is slightly larger than a typical letter sized shipping envelope. It weighs 198 grams. If you will email your company's shipping information to me, please include your response to a few questions as well as your typical information kit. What are your shipping rates for both standard and express shipping? Also, what is the estimated time to delivery on both services? Do you have a guaranteed shipping delivery time on either of these services? Are there any customs duties that I must pay at the time of shipping?
Thank you for responding to my inquiry. I do appreciate it.