International Parcel Package delivery Iran
Parcel delivery to Iran
During a time of great social conflict, most major freight brokers are not offering service to Iran. As of January 2013 there is a covert US-Iran war happening in the country. Most major companies have halted services to Iran due to complexties presented by Western sanctions. Although food and consumer goods are not necessarily affected by said sanctions, Iran's aim at manufacturing nuclear weapons is generally viewed as being too risky for most. Major importers in Iran have been blacklisted by the US and other western nations. The economy has dwindled significantly in recent years.
Customs for parcel shipping to Iran
The Customs Administration in Iran dates back to the third century BC. An ancient trading hub of the Middle East, at the time all imports were recorded and redieved foxed duties. In 1957 Customs became a part of the Ministry of Economics and in Finance and Economic Affairs. Today the word customs in Arabic still implies "gatekeeper". Customs is the gatekeeper of the country and the economy.
Security concerns when shipping parcels to Iran
The following commodities are prohibited from entering Iran: alcoholic beverages, pornography, games of chance, illicit narcotics, media or materials offensive to the Muslim culture, subversive materials, counterfeit goods, and anything else that may have been prohibited in the meantime. Tobacco is permitted for personal use in amounts less than 250 grams per person. All forms of media are subject to Islamic censorship.
Parcel documents delivering to Iran
Certain types of commodities are required to obtain a permit from the designated authority. Animals, plants or their products will require hygiene certificate from the country of origin. The importation of telecommunications equipment calls for a permit from the IT Ministry. Importation of medicine at a high volume is subject to approval from the Ministry of of Hygiene, as well as import duties and taxes.
International Parcel Package delivery to: Abadan, Ahwaz, Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, Bushire, Chah-Bahar, Khorramshahr, Lavan, Now Shahr, Tehran, Ahar, Anzali, Arak, Ardebil, Bam, Birjand, Chahbahar, Esfahan, Fasa, Ghazvin, Gorgan, Hamedan, Ilam, Iranshahr, Kashan, Kashmar, Kerman, Kharg, Khoy, Marageh, Mashhad, Omidieh, Orumieh, Rasht, Sanandaj, Shiraz, Sirjan, Tabriz, Yazd, Zabol, Zanjan