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parcels packages delivery Bahrain

International Parcel Package delivery Bahrain

Customs for parcel shipping to Bahrain

Duties and taxes are determined by the value of the commodoties, the place of origin and any applicable shipping and insurance charges. Goods originating from the US are subject to the Bahrain-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA). To be eligible the goods must be made of 100% US or Bahrain materials. Certain commodoties my require additional approval, most commonly from the Ministry of Information or the Ministry of Health.

Security concerns when shipping parcels to Bahrain

The following items are prohibited from being imported into Bahrain: any items offensive to Musilm culture, political propaganda, pornography, tobacco advertising, incense, games of chance, military equipment, products made in Israel, antiques, bearer documents, corrosives, furs, ice, knives, poisons and toxins, radioactive material, soil, products originating from an engandered species (i.e. ivory, rhino horns, sharks bones) and collectable stamps. Any form of media which enters Bahrain is subject to censorship. Please allow for up to 4 days delay for this process whent shipping media.

Parcel documents delivering to Bahrain

All shipments which are valued at over 100 dinars ($265.25 USD) must be accompanied by a certificate of origin. Goods should also be accompanied by a standard declaration in order to qualify for preferential treatment, especially from the EU or US. However offical parcels of the US military are not subject to documentation.  Certain commodoties will require a special approval from the designated authority. Machine parts and electronics should be accompanied by a certificate of origin.

Parcel delivery limitations to Bahrain

The Ministry of Information is required to approve inbound shipments of books, CDs and discs, software, films, or tapes. The Ministry of Health must approve the importation of pharmaceuticals, supplements, and vitamins. Certain restrictions apply for antiques, fine art, jewelry, and other valuables. Personal effects can not be shipped to Bahrain by parcel. To qualify for a gift exemption the parcel must be valued at less than $100 USD.

International Parcel Package delivery to: Bahrain, Bahrain International, Manama, Sitra